31 May 2008

transition to new blog

Hello dear readers:

I've started a new blog, complete with rss feeds! I'm keeping this one up, at least until I can transfer all the old posts over, but all new posts will be here: http://www.karmickudzu.blogspot.com.

Thanks for reading! -cd

29 May 2008


For various reasons, I've stopped allowing RSS feeds of my posts -- I hope this doesn't cause any problems. Do check back, and I'll try to keep posting stuff, as the juices flow.



16 May 2008

from Toni Morrison's _Sula_

"In a way her strangeness, her naivete, her craving for the other half of her equation was the consequence of an idle imagination. Had she paints, or clay, or knew the discipline of the dance, or strings; had she anything to engage her tremendous curiosity and her gift for metaphor, she might have exchanged the restlessness and preoccupation with whim for an activity that provided her with all she yearned for. And like any artist with no art form she became dangerous." (New York: Bantam Books, 1975), 105.

15 May 2008


07 May 2008

term II

I think this version works better, but misses something too. Any votes?


06 May 2008

Flying Out

I hear this as a country music song -- my first song lyrics ever!

01 May 2008

28 April 2008

23 April 2008

14 April 2008


Wrote this a while ago, but only now posting.

13 April 2008

09 April 2008


Playing around with formalism.

08 April 2008

04 April 2008


31 March 2008

30 March 2008

28 March 2008

26 March 2008

24 March 2008


08 March 2008

25 February 2008


not sure if this does what I want it to, but I'll post it anyway.

17 February 2008


An attempt at prose.

10 February 2008

08 February 2008


07 February 2008

chemical valentine III

and again ... it's a series!

here's a link to the Time Magazine article that was my inspiration:

06 February 2008

05 February 2008


a reworking (tightening? condensing? honing?) of "you give me"


28 January 2008

26 January 2008


wrote this with some friends, each of us wrote a line without seeing what the others wrote. after much wine.

Intent on remaining anonymous
waiting waiting waiting
sufferance serves the multitude
wandering in the interstices between
        imagined and imaginary
gripping gripping gripping
innocence grafted to knees bare from
No, it tempts me too much, I
smiling smiling smiling
share space: captive
tendentiously triumphant, yet hollow and
kissing kissing kissing

25 January 2008


24 January 2008

18 January 2008

16 January 2008


15 January 2008

vanquished I

(yet another exercise working with the same words/letters. sorry if this is getting redundant. this would make more sense alongside my collaborator's work ...)

13 January 2008


This is a first pass ... more revisions probably to come.

08 January 2008

07 January 2008


Warning: the poem herein is, um, erotic and therefore may offend delicate sensibilities! Read at your own risk! (or enjoyment!)

05 January 2008


vanquished familiar

This started as a fun little exercise, and I kind of like how it turned out. "redemption" from below came out of it. Each stanza is comprised of not anagrams exactly, but the letters of one word from the stanza (used as many times as I wanted).

04 January 2008

A Question For My Readers

Hi out there, you small handful of people actually reading this! I'm considering posting all my poems in the bitmap format, so that I don't ever spend another hour typing "&nbsp" over and over. But I wanted some reader input. Does this format make it easier/a better experience to read the stuff? Or is it a pain having to click on the image in order to go to the blown-up poem? Please, please don't say I should do it both ways! (Okay, if you really want me to. I'm a glutton for punishment.)

So, all five of you (am I up to five yet?) please weigh in. I'll post accordingly.

Or, if you know a better blog host (other than myspace -- seriously) that deals better with tabs and indents, tell me.

03 January 2008

01 January 2008

This is just to say

I'm frustrated by the formatting in blogspot ... it took me forever to work out the indents for just a few lines of the last post, and it's nowhere near what I want it to look like. Grrrr! Guess I'll just have to publish sometime ...

Happy New Year, folks!!!