04 January 2008

A Question For My Readers

Hi out there, you small handful of people actually reading this! I'm considering posting all my poems in the bitmap format, so that I don't ever spend another hour typing "&nbsp" over and over. But I wanted some reader input. Does this format make it easier/a better experience to read the stuff? Or is it a pain having to click on the image in order to go to the blown-up poem? Please, please don't say I should do it both ways! (Okay, if you really want me to. I'm a glutton for punishment.)

So, all five of you (am I up to five yet?) please weigh in. I'll post accordingly.

Or, if you know a better blog host (other than myspace -- seriously) that deals better with tabs and indents, tell me.


Anonymous said...

I think it works great for the poem you posted below. Very readable once you click on the image and the two column format makes it look like print rather than web. I'm not sure how much poetry out on the web looks like that -- almost like an online chapbook.

More importantly, though -- these are all very good poems. You should get them published in poetry journals rather than self- publishing here. Since you're in academia having poetry published may help you with your future job searches as well.

If you're not that serious about your poetry, though, you can still consider publishing them online at the Fiera Lingue website. I know one of the editors and can put you in touch.

Tenley said...

I do, I do, I do want to publish! But not sure how to go about that. Any tips/suggestions? Where should I send it? It's easy enough to find poetry journals, but I don't know who'd be more likely to like my stuff, who has more cred, etc.

Angel said...

I like the bitmap version. Easy to read, easy to navigate in general. As far as other sites, I know of some folks who went from Blogger to TypePad, but I have no idea, in the end, if it's worth making the leap. Either way, keep 'em coming. I'm tuned in.
Also, maybe you'd be interested in attending an event or two that offers feedback and suggestions about writing and publishing? I see "Philly Meet Up" has a few for poets, playwrights, fiction...

Anonymous said...

As someone who knows your poetry fairly well, I would suggest that you get to know the people at UPenn and their Kelly Writer's House http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~wh/. Your writing would find a welcome home there. Check out the calendar for upcoming readings and events and the link to Penn Sound. Some of my favorite poets are on there. Once you get to know people, publications will happen organically, imho. For a list of journals that would appreciate your style, see Selby's List http://www.selbyslist.com/

Anonymous said...

PS: I love the bitmap versions of the poems.

Tenley said...

Aren't we being coy with the anonymous post? I mean, really ...
but yes, I'm looking into Penn's stuff. A lot of it is for alumni only, although perhaps I have enough of a connection in that regard to get in.