31 May 2008

transition to new blog

Hello dear readers:

I've started a new blog, complete with rss feeds! I'm keeping this one up, at least until I can transfer all the old posts over, but all new posts will be here: http://www.karmickudzu.blogspot.com.

Thanks for reading! -cd

29 May 2008


For various reasons, I've stopped allowing RSS feeds of my posts -- I hope this doesn't cause any problems. Do check back, and I'll try to keep posting stuff, as the juices flow.



16 May 2008

from Toni Morrison's _Sula_

"In a way her strangeness, her naivete, her craving for the other half of her equation was the consequence of an idle imagination. Had she paints, or clay, or knew the discipline of the dance, or strings; had she anything to engage her tremendous curiosity and her gift for metaphor, she might have exchanged the restlessness and preoccupation with whim for an activity that provided her with all she yearned for. And like any artist with no art form she became dangerous." (New York: Bantam Books, 1975), 105.

15 May 2008


07 May 2008

term II

I think this version works better, but misses something too. Any votes?


06 May 2008

Flying Out

I hear this as a country music song -- my first song lyrics ever!

01 May 2008